Friday, November 7, 2008

No one likes you Kei Igawa...

... and if i see one Yankee fan sporting this Igawa jersey, i will shove you into the ground(they really make those?)...

So Brian Cashman was recently asked if anyone's had any interest in the funny looking lefty... his answer: "No".

Now, here is a list of what you need to do durring the offseason Mr. K:

1. Actually work out and be prepared for spring training.

2. Cut your hair, it's putrid (hopefully i used it correctly, in honor of George King!)

3. Stop whining about how unhappy you are to be with the Yankees.

4. Stop wearing sunglasses... your numbers are kind of better without them, and you look absolutely rediculous.

5. grow a giambi mustache... if you can (if you can't i have one of those fake mustaches they gave out at Giambi support the stache day).

Seriously though... if the Giambi mustache doesnt work, nothing will...

1 comment:

She-Fan said...

Kei could also help himself by wearing braces on his teeth. He's got an overbite that's, well, putrid.